yo..people..Ariff is bck again..
alrite2..lets tok abt sumthng..
2day wake up same same..eat same same..slip same same..n of cos do same same..bt exam nt same same..haha..im done wif exams n IT IS START 2 PARTY N HOLIDAY..haha..yeah!..hmm..dunnoe wat do during tis holiday..hw abt slimming myself down n u noe practise more shuffle..?haha..well,jst 2 pass d time tts all..bt mayb it does reli help 4 me..hmm..in many ways i guess..
so,2day nthng reli much happen..jst sit at home n play psp..as usual..expected 4om a guy who doesnt hv a life 2 go..i mean as in nt doing anythng in d hse..haha..sit n den look at my mum cook..guess wat..HOME MADE NASI LEMAK!..omg!..mmm!!..sedap skali!!!..yeah!!!!haha..mummies cooking is always d best..nver doubt it b4..so i tell my mum kp up d gd werk cos she noes i will b d 1 enjoyin her food..every single time..haha..u r rite mummy..i m ur son..im ur mommies boy..haha..
well,den afternn go meet my gd darling fren,fatin..i wore HARD ROCK CAFE shirt,wif jeans n my new HOODY(hood)..damn i look kinda cool in it..haha..4 a 1st time i tot i look stupid bt my mum even say i look so cool..haha..den go out..heheh..bt nver expected anythng la..jst goin out wif style..yeah!..lepak wif her n bla bla bla..did shuffle infront of her bt tired la cos its FASTING!..haha..bt den nver mind..do d thngs u love..go home arnd 5pm lyk tt..cos was aldy tired n mummy call go home..haha..
den waited until breakfast..den i eat d nasi lemak..ouh yeah baby yeah!!..it was so nice..jst lyk my neighbour,HAMMADAH cooking..nice oso..cn ask her bcum a wife aldy..haha..den as usual..go lepak again...bt amir didnt cum cos his lazy..haha..SHULD HV PUT A BOMB BESIDE HIM N C WHETHER HE MOVE OR NOT..haha..den go lepak wif ZAKIR,TAUFIQ,IZZUAN N BOMOH..as usual guys..haha..den halfway hv 2 leave cos my dad ask me go home help him burn disk..lyk WTH?! seh..haha..nver mind..mst help la cos dadyy dunnoe hw 2 use comp..haha..
well,tts all..i tink i stop here 1st..update u tml peeps..
bb..n i tink u shuld noe im gonna kol FATIN tis evening if i wan 2 la tt is..at d mean time..im msging my NEIGHBOUR..haha..
tc guys..c ya!..
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