Wednesday, September 10, 2008

well,lets tok abt 2day..

yo..people..Ariff is bck again..

alrite2..lets tok abt sumthng..

2day wake up same same same..slip same same..n of cos do same exam nt same done wif exams n IT IS START 2 PARTY N HOLIDAY..haha..yeah!..hmm..dunnoe wat do during tis holiday..hw abt slimming myself down n u noe practise more shuffle..?haha..well,jst 2 pass d time tts mayb it does reli help 4 many ways i guess..

so,2day nthng reli much happen..jst sit at home n play usual..expected 4om a guy who doesnt hv a life 2 go..i mean as in nt doing anythng in d hse..haha..sit n den look at my mum cook..guess wat..HOME MADE NASI LEMAK!..omg!..mmm!!..sedap skali!!!..yeah!!!!haha..mummies cooking is always d best..nver doubt it i tell my mum kp up d gd werk cos she noes i will b d 1 enjoyin her food..every single time..haha..u r rite mummy..i m ur ur mommies boy..haha..

well,den afternn go meet my gd darling fren,fatin..i wore HARD ROCK CAFE shirt,wif jeans n my new HOODY(hood)..damn i look kinda cool in it..haha..4 a 1st time i tot i look stupid bt my mum even say i look so cool..haha..den go nver expected anythng la..jst goin out wif style..yeah!..lepak wif her n bla bla bla..did shuffle infront of her bt tired la cos its FASTING! den nver d thngs u love..go home arnd 5pm lyk tt..cos was aldy tired n mummy call go home..haha..

den waited until breakfast..den i eat d nasi lemak..ouh yeah baby yeah!! was so nice..jst lyk my neighbour,HAMMADAH cooking..nice ask her bcum a wife aldy..haha..den as usual..go lepak amir didnt cum cos his lazy..haha..SHULD HV PUT A BOMB BESIDE HIM N C WHETHER HE MOVE OR NOT..haha..den go lepak wif ZAKIR,TAUFIQ,IZZUAN N usual guys..haha..den halfway hv 2 leave cos my dad ask me go home help him burn disk..lyk WTH?! seh..haha..nver mind..mst help la cos dadyy dunnoe hw 2 use comp..haha..

well,tts all..i tink i stop here 1st..update u tml peeps..

bb..n i tink u shuld noe im gonna kol FATIN tis evening if i wan 2 la tt d mean msging my NEIGHBOUR..haha..

tc guys..c ya!..

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