Tuesday, September 16, 2008

short n simple peeps..jst abt a few hrs ago onli..haha..

hei peeps..jst wanna say update my blog a short n simple blog..haha..

well,lets jst say after breakfast at 1905..arnd 2030,ashikin ask me 2 kol her n we tok until lyk 10+..was pretty fun toking 2 her..make her laugh n all..heheh..as usual..a guy lyk me..wat cn u say..well,bluek..im jst complimenting myself..tts pretty bad..bt 4 me..its erm..quite effective on me la..cos its me im saying..haha.. den halfway my darling called me..fatin la im referring 2..rmb tt guys..haha..okok..fatin!..haha..she tok 2 me..n ask me 2 kol her ltr..as usual..ltr i koling u k darling..wait 4 my kol tau..luv u syg..heheh!..shes reli gonna puke wen she sees tis la..who cares..i mean it wen i say all tis.. nw im stll toking 2 my 2 gd shuffle brothers..on msn..jst toking craps tts all..well,as usual..1 act pro..another 1 a cuz of mine n me..haha..combine..total nonsense 2 msn werld..haha..well,tts all..nw i hv 2 gt bck 2 my kol..fatin..hehe..
TO TIS LOVELY GERL WHO LOVES ME: its hurting 2 reject sum1..bcos of a broken heart i didnt had a choice..tis heart is stll broken n its in a unstable mood..im so sori 2 her..bt i reli had 2 do tis..i cnt force love in2 ur heart bcos my heart wont heal no matter hw much u love me..im reli sori..i hope 1 day u cn reli find a guy..unlike me..im jst sum1 who is waiting..haiz..sori 2 d gerl i hurt..didnt mean 2..no matter wat..u will always b sum1 special tt i will care n love..u may hate me n gt hurt by me bt 1 day..i will c u hapi n c ur face wif a bright smiling star..2 tis gerl..gd bye..n tc always..i will rmb ur love till i die..TIS PAIN IN ME!

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