halo there ppl..im once again back 2 blog..
well,actually was jst d same..had 2 go bck skool 4 1 last training..den after tt..im all free until d nx month..haha..13 OCTOBER..TAKE NOTE!..haha!..well,i go skool den jst attend d training n perform once n go bck home..b4 went home take a few picts in skool..haha..went home arnd 1415..in d bus,i sat lyk an idiot..so lonely n jst so boring..i took 2 pictures..take a look..its on top..D LONELINESS OF ARIFF..den reach hme arnd 1600..was pretty tired bt able 2 go internet 2 browse through d dimension of d internet..haha..
den breakfast..i ate soto..kinda nice..WIF SHREDED CHICKEN ON TOP..YUMMY YUMMY..!well,eat until kinda full bt actually it was so little..jst filling my tummy tts all..heheh..den after tt go bathe den go meet taufiq,amir..den we decide 2 meet fadzly under his blok at 8..guess wat..?!HE CAME DOWN AT 9 LA SEH!..EARLY ARSEHOLE!..HAHA!..nver mind..who cares..as long as his safe cuming dwn d life im fine wif tt..haha..!sori moh..
den we lepak..play DJ MAX n soccer..den bomoh sis came dwn..she oso lepak wif us..instead of advising,she oso join..cool la seh!..haha..den we took pictures...foto wif taufiq..go 2 my link..hei,D PICTS WAS NICE LA SEH..shuld c it..haha..well,den we took each other video..bt d best was bomoh..haha..dont wan 2 say..ltr i upload d video if cn la..haha..MUST SEE!..wif taufiq oso hv..went home arnd 2230..cos hv 2 watch D.GRAY MAN EPISODE 100..lazy 2 explain,GO N WATCH IT URSELF!..haha..
nw at home entertaining u guys n gerls..haha..in a gd way la im trying 2 say..heheh..well,tts all 4 nw..update u tml peeps..wif luvs!

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